Voting Guide

With Particl Proof-of-Stake, you can vote on various community proposals using your staking power as voting power. When you register your voting preferences during a proposal’s voting period, you’ll cast a vote every time you find a block.

The more blocks you stake within a proposal’s voting period, the more voting power you have.

Particl Marketplace

Particl Desktop’s community governance section



  • A Particl node actively staking.

  • An active internet connection.

Partyman Staking App

  1. Access your Partyman staking node and enter Partyman’s folder.

    cd ~/partyman
  2. Make sure Partyman is on the latest version.

    git pull
  3. Make sure your Particl Core version is on latest version.

    ./partyman update
  4. Still in Partyman’s folder, find what proposal you want to vote for.

    ./partyman proposal list
  5. Vote on the proposal by typing the following command.

    ./partyman proposal vote
  6. Confirm that you want to vote for a proposal. This will clear all previous voting preferences if you’re already voting on a proposal.

  7. Enter the ID of the proposal you want to vote for and press Enter.

  8. Enter the voting option you want to cast your vote for and press Enter.

See also